Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 30

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 30

As we continuously teach, developing a relationship with your source or spiritual guides is key to consciously creating effortlessly. We are all connected to the non-physical and it is the non-physical that guides us on whether we are in alignment or not. The non-physical also gives us inspiration and insight into the next step we should take in order to bring our manifestations into our reality. For instance, your source giving you insight on what meditation is good for you in order to heal. A deeper connection to the non-physical also helps us to understand the breadth of who we are as spiritual beings in a physical body - an understanding that goes beyond the intellectual mind.

As such, in order to develop and deepen your connection, we recommend creating what we call a “feedback loop”. A feedback loop is a way to delve deeper into your relationship and get more clarity on your questions.

The feedback loop starts with a question. Pose your question in whatever way you feel comfortable, when communicating with your source. When you receive an answer to your question, write it down and then take action on it. For instance, if you are guided to start a daily meditation practice, write it down in your spiritual journal and then start taking steps towards this.

If it is something that you need a reminder about, such as practice gratitude daily, then take action to setup some type of reminder for yourself. For instance, you could place the words practice gratitude on your vision board, set a reminder on your phone, put a note on your work desk, put a note in your sacred space, etc.

Note: If you cannot take action because you need more clarity, then ask for more clarity until you get to the point that you can take action.

Once you have taken action on the first question you posed, ask for additional guidance or support in reference to the message you received. This is the “feedback loop”, where you continue to ask for more guidance and support. In this way, you deepen your connection and start to understand how your source communicates with you. You also develop a two-way form of communication.

Again with the additional guidance, when you get clear guidance on that, write it down and again take action on it. Then continue to ask for more guidance and/or support in getting it done.

Are you understanding how this “feedback loop” works? If not, shoot me a question. I will be happy to add additional details.

Spiritual Power Program

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Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela is a spiritual healer, podcaster, and author from Sedona, Arizona. Shawngela helps those who seek to heal by learning to embrace their spiritual power and connect to the voice within. She invites you to see yourself in a new spiritual light. You can manifest health if you awaken to your power and allow it to guide you. Schedule a session with Shawngela and find out how the power to heal lies within you.

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