Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 63

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 63

Not having a strong connection to something “greater than you” can also make you feel lost and alone. You may have a strong connection to your physical friends; however, having a strong connection to a higher vibrational source can re-affirm, or affirm for you, that you are connected, loved and can heal yourself. You are One with “someone” other than yourself.

“A relationship with your inner guides will help carry you through your darkest of times and help you to reach areas of your life you could have only dreamed of reaching.” 

The above was an excerpt from my latest book, Healing and the Law of Attraction


Spiritual Guidance Workbook

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Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela is a spiritual healer, podcaster, and author from Sedona, Arizona. Shawngela helps those who seek to heal by learning to embrace their spiritual power and connect to the voice within. She invites you to see yourself in a new spiritual light. You can manifest health if you awaken to your power and allow it to guide you. Schedule a session with Shawngela and find out how the power to heal lies within you.

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