Guided Meditation for Spiritual Guidance

Guided Meditation for Spiritual Guidance

You are all powerful creators and more powerful than you can imagine. You may not realize this if you have developed a sort of “disconnection” to that which can guide you with your creative powers. While you can never truly be disconnected from source, you can be so far removed from a strong connection to your spiritual nature, that it feels like a disconnection. It feels like you are lost and alone in this barren universe.

Starting from this point forward, if you have not already done so, re-establish and strengthen your connection to the non-physical. Make spiritual guidance your primary guiding force for healing yourself. Your inner guides, spiritual guides, God, source, universe or whatever you wish to call it, knows the path of least resistance for you to take in order to heal. This is a path based on the reality you have created for yourself and not based on the intellectual mind. It is also beyond just intuition, although intuition plays a role in spiritual guidance. It is guidance from that which can help you reach a higher vibration.

Relying solely on the intellectual mind generally causes confusion for the average person. This is because there is so much information out there and on top of that, so much of the information is conflicting.

Everyone has an idea of what it best for you. There are many experts on the right foods to eat, the foods to avoid, what exercise is best, what meditation is best for you, what alternative doctor to choose, etc. With all of this conflicting information it is no wonder why many are lost at what is truly best for them. We would like you to know that your source knows what is best for you.

Your source of the highest vibration, communicates to you intimately through various means. There is communication in the form of feelings, insights, inspirations, ideas, getting a glimpse of an image in your mind, receiving a download” of information, foresight, intuition, signs, symbols and more.

When you embark on the spiritual guidance path, it doesn’t mean you will never use your intellectual mind. In fact, it will be your intellectual mind that will cause your guidance to further expand. This is because you will ask questions and we will answer by our communication of choice. This question and answer rapport helps to expand your level of consciousness. Do know however, that the intellectual mind can never take you “all the way” to the highest levels of consciousness. You will never know who you are as a creative being from the perspective of the intellectual mind. It is only when you can let go and explore the world within, that you will ever get a glimpse of who you are. Most of you do not truly desire this and we acknowledge that. Despite this, you can evolve to the level of self-healing through a connection to source.


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Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela is a spiritual healer, podcaster, and author from Sedona, Arizona. Shawngela helps those who seek to heal by learning to embrace their spiritual power and connect to the voice within. She invites you to see yourself in a new spiritual light. You can manifest health if you awaken to your power and allow it to guide you. Schedule a session with Shawngela and find out how the power to heal lies within you.

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