Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 100

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 100

In our society today - and it has been this way for ages - we are at a crux of who has the biggest stick and who can yell the loudest. We are even putting science at the forefront of being able to break the tie. Of course, the scientific “facts” used are skewed in whatever way is necessary to prove either side's points.

This is my belief and I will show you the science that backs it. Wait, your belief is different from mine. I have science

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Surrendering for Health

Surrendering for Health

Stop trying to control every step and learn to surrender to your spiritual power. Learn to trust that it is already done and let go. You can heal, but you must surrender to it.

Listen to My Podcast

Listen to "Surrendering is the answer to what ails you" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Episode 11 of Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host, Shawngela Pierce. In today's episode, we are going to talk about surrendering for healing. Before we begin, let's talk about this week's

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Spiritual Guidance for Self-Healing

Spiritual Guidance for Self-Healing

If you think science knows all the answers, think again. Shift into a new paradigm and start relying on spiritual guidance for your health and healing. There is no more need for confusion when you strengthen this innate connection.  

Listen to my Latest Episode

Listen to "Following your Spiritual Guides for Healing" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM, I'm your host, Shawngela Pierce.  In today's episode, we are going to talk about spiritual guidance for healing.

Before we begin, let's talk about

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 92

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 92

I have completed my first podcast and I have to say, it was pretty exciting!

The first episode begins with IAM setting the foundation by defining what “Embracing your Spiritual Powers” means from a practical standpoint.

Listen to "What does Spiritual Power mean?" on Spreaker.

Below is a brief recap of what they spoke about! Listen to the full episode above.

Spiritual Powers Defined

Embracing your spiritual powers means understanding who you are. You are a spiritual being first and foremost, housed in a physical body and living in

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 91

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 91

Is it wise to put your trust in the non-physical when it comes to your health? Why would a logically-minded person do that? Why would someone who is intelligent, knows about science/medicine hand it over to the "unknown?"

We are here are tell you that you can put your health in the hands of spirits - the non-physical, source, angels, or whatever you like to call it. You can do this because you were born with this connection to the non-physical.

You see, you are a spiritual being,

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 86

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 86

Things are not always what they seem in this creative world. We tend to think that what we see in front of us is actually the "truth." But what is the truth in a creative world? Is it not just what we have called forth? Are we not just living a vibrational match to our beliefs and nothing more?

If we can step back and take a look at life in that perspective, then "reality" takes on a whole new dimension. We step back from the ego that

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 85

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 85

As a conscious creator, you are aware that you create your reality, however, there is a tendency to get caught in the cycle of thinking you know how things are going to unfold at every step of the way. When things do not happen as you expect it to happen, there is a tendency to resist. Resistance comes in many forms - anger, disappointment, sadness, frustration, impatience, etc. When you are expressing these emotions, this means you are out of alignment, resisting the flow of what is happening,

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 84

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 84


My daughter has a mark on her head, called hemangioma. She has had it since her birth. I am trying to heal her completely from that condition. I have been trying to do it using the Law of Attraction for more than a year but I don’t see any progress. The mark is still there. Doesn’t matter how much I stay positive and grateful, I still don’t see anything change. Please help me.


First and foremost, we must point out that all healing is self-healing and

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 83

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 83


When you are in pain, how do you know if your soul is telling you to choose a different path?


When you are in pain, that is a sign that your thoughts are out of alignment. Now the key is deciphering whether the thought that is causing you to feel bad is based in trust or based in fear. When you have a thought that is based on trust, and you start to feel bad, then your inner guides are telling you that what you are

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 82

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 82

Learn to “settle” into the present moment. When you can be present, you are fully letting go and trusting in the moment. You are not in your mind worried about the past, stressed about the unknown or thinking about what you need to do next. In essence, you are not resisting. You are allowing. In this state, you are a powerful creative being.

We are not saying that you should never plan ahead or visualize what is to come. We are only advocating spending more of your

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 75

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 75

Do you feel lost and confused about spiritual guidance?

Shift the story you tell yourself about it and you will open the door to a deeper and more profound relationship with the nonphysical. Telling a different story, will set the stage for more spiritual growth.

Now what do we mean by telling a different story?

If you always say, "I never understand," "I am confused on the guidance being given," "This is too confusing," "This is way too much for me," "I am not cut out for

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 73

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 73

“When you release expectations, you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what you think they should be.”

Part of mastering the law of attraction is learning to release your expectations about the outcome. When you hold yourself in the vibration of how something should happen, then you have the potential of missing opportunities as they unfold. You can also dramatically change what you are creating by resisting one of the steps that needs to happen in order for you to ultimately reach your

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 72

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 72

Feelings are the intimate signs from source that give you information as to whether or not your thoughts are causing resistance or allowing. As it relates to health, this means whether your thoughts support health or support dis-harmony.

You have been given these signs from birth, but unfortunately most people have not truly understood or learned to trust. As a result, they grow up disconnected to how thoughts impact their alignment, their health, and what they desire in life.

First we would like to say that most do

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 70

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 70

As you traverse through your spiritual journey, you will undoubtedly be presented with insights that will help you grow. Stated from a law of attraction perspective, you will be presented with what you have called forth in order to help you manifest what you desire.

The spiritual insights may be in allowing, being grateful, eating a certain food, etc. Whatever the case may be, some of the insights you will be able to implement right away and it will become a part of your spiritual routine. Others you

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 69

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 69

As we all know, focusing on results not happening is one key mistake in practicing the law of attraction. Remember, what you focus on manifests itself in your reality. The more you focus on what is not happening, the more you feel bad and the more you create a reality in which what you desire does not appear. In other words, if you believe it will not appear, then that is what manifests.

What is Feeling Bad?

Feeling bad is a generic term that we use to

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 68

 Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 68

"I trust you because there's nothing else left to do. I trust you because you have shown me that this is the way. I trust you because it hurts not to trust you. I trust you because I am having a hard time trying to control everything. I trust you because I should. I trust you."

Do you have a relationship with your source where you are speaking to your source on an intimate level? Do you talk to them as if they were your best friend?

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 67

Law of Attraction Weekly Thuoght 67

Developing a relationship with your source is pivotal when consciously creating with the Law of Attraction. As a result, we encourage you to take steps to strengthen that innate connection. An easy way to do this is to consciously ask for daily inspiration. You may be used to getting inspiration but may not attribute this directly from your source. We encourage you to do it consciously and deliberately so you know it is from your source. In this sense, you develop a trust with source and it

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 66

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 66

Continue the conversation with source when you receive an answer from your original question or are confused as to the origin. Get clarification by asking if this is from source. If you understand it is from source, continue to ask for further guidance, if your question calls for it. For instance, if your question was “what is one thing I can do to accomplish my goals,” and the answer was to “meditate,” then your next question could be, “what type of meditation would be good for me?”


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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 63

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 63

Not having a strong connection to something “greater than you” can also make you feel lost and alone. You may have a strong connection to your physical friends; however, having a strong connection to a higher vibrational source can re-affirm, or affirm for you, that you are connected, loved and can heal yourself. You are One with “someone” other than yourself.

“A relationship with your inner guides will help carry you through your darkest of times and help you to reach areas of your life you could have

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 62

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 62

Developing trust will play a major factor in how much spiritual guidance can help you. This is because there may be times when you are guided to do something that doesn’t appear logical to you. To others and even yourself, it may appear to be more intuitive then logical. For instance, being led to eat a food you were taught was not good for you based on a diet plan you were following. Or perhaps, being led not to do a suggested treatment that is standard treatment for

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